Saturday, January 15, 2011

Forbidden Love ???

The Storyline in Bold And The Beautiful with the characters "Brooke"  and  "Thomas"  have started a small war out on chat sites and Forums =)

I think people sometimes forget it is in fact a TV show ..

Well in Sweden we are a little behind in the story so i haven`t seen this episodes yet but i am looking forward to it =)

I am for " Bridge "  but a little hot and spicy "love story " ( if thats what it is )  is never wrong haha and now i will have my head cut of for that words =)  

But i don`t care =) 

And i also have to say that this new "Thomas " played by Adam Gregory is very Hot  i think there is many women out there that is a little jealous of  " Brooke "  because she can "play" with him ; )
Maybe thats why they hate this storyline so much =)  hihi


Anonymous said...

Hej Ewa! Kikar in å lämnar en stor KRAM! Hoppas du har en bra helg så här långt å så hoppas jag på att få höra om 'the latest news' snart.Om jag har förstått helt rätt så har du ju trevligt besök nu ;)

Ha en bra lördag!

KRAM Oceandreams

Ewa said...

Hej =))

Vad roligt att du kikar in jag har en vän här över helgen inga heta nyheter just nu så men jag hoppas det kommer hihi !!

Ha en toppen Lördag du med Kraaam