Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To someone i know !

Someone said ,,,  You don`t need anyone in your life ,, who doesn`t want to be there .... 

And that is so true ..

Don`t try to fit everyone ,, your true friends love you the way you are =)

I am a lucky girl because i have the best friends ,, but i have lost some too  along the way ... 

But now i know ! 

They say everything happens for a reason ,, even do it hurts ,, its better in the end to know because some people is just not to trust !

And they are not worth your tears my dear friend ,,  go on and smile because you have us and we love you !!

Don`t let ONE dic*head destroy you ...

You are so much better then that ,, so put your head up high and walk away ..

You know where i am if you need me <3

Love & Hugs <3<3<3

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